The investigation into the Massachusetts Crime Lab scandal involving Annie Dookhan has revealed that there was an inappropriate and unethical relationship between her and a prosecutor in the district attorneys office. It appears that for the last two to three years, prosecutor George Papachristos had direct personal communication with Dookhan who was the chemist on […]

The Laboratory Bench Mates used brown construction paper to cover up wrongdoing and source materials on the Annie Dookhan matter
Annie Dookhan, the Fukushima of Forensics, has been covered here before: Yet another crime lab scandal — the real question is how many failures until they get caught and when is enough enough? The poster child for everything that is wrong in forensic science: Annie Dookhan The Fukushima of Forensics: Annie Dookhan What to do […]

Annie Dookhan and more revelations
The Fukushima of Forensics: Annie Dookhan has been covered here before: Yet another crime lab scandal — the real question is how many failures until they get caught and when is enough enough? The poster child for everything that is wrong in forensic science: Annie Dookhan The Fukushima of Forensics: Annie Dookhan What to do […]

The catalyst for change: The Annie Dookhan episode
It is unprecedented in this blog to report so many times on one event. However, this type of event needs constant and repeated discussion. The Fukushima of Forensics: Annie Dookhan. Has been covered here before: Yet another crime lab scandal — the real question is how many failures until they get caught and when is […]

Why Confrontation of the Particular Witness must be mandatory: Annie Dookhan
The Fukushima of Forensics: Annie Dookhan. Has been covered here before: Yet another crime lab scandal — the real question is how many failures until they get caught and when is enough enough? The poster child for everything that is wrong in forensic science: Annie Dookhan The Fukushima of Forensics: Annie Dookhan What to do […]

More on Annie Dookhan: Three cheers to the Boston Globe
At this blog we have been following the great reporting of The Boston Globe over the Annie Dookhan matter. This is a very important case study of what can go wrong and what does go wrong in forensic science. I have called it before the Fukushima of Forensics. This is not hyperbole. As you read more […]

What to do with 60,000 cases involving Annie Dookhan?
According to The Boston Globe, Scott Burns, the executive director of the National District Attorneys Association, said Dookhan’s alleged actions are not without precedent but far from typical. I agree with him. The scope of this disaster is what makes it so remarkable. However, there is a long, long list of similar shame: Fred Zain, Joyce […]

The Fukushima of Forensics: Annie Dookhan
We have blogged before on the Annie Dookhan scandal: The poster child for everything that is wrong in forensic science: Annie Dookhan It is amazing the state of forensic science in the courtroom. Judges still routinely deny discovery motions for scientific data, validation studies and even basic scientific data. They justify this stating that a […]

The poster child for everything that is wrong in forensic science: Annie Dookhan
I have been monitoring the work of The Boston Globe and others about this. It is simply so very shocking. It is beyond alarming. It is, simply put, the single worst forensic science laboratory scandal in recorded history. I give you Annie Dookhan. I predict that this scandal is only going to get worse. Much, […]

Yet another crime lab scandal – the real question is how many failures until they get caught and when is enough enough?
It seems that every week there is more news coming out of a forensic laboratory of major laboratory failures. This time it is from the state of Massachusetts where a state crime lab has been shut down and 50,000 samples from at least 34,000 different accused citizens are now all in question. Mass. Crime Lab […]

Another week another forensic laboratory scandal. It’s the Wild Wild West
With no standardization of methods, a whole scale lack of basic validity, and a lack of meaningful oversight, today’s forensic laboratory system is beyond “badly fragmented.” It is utterly lawless. It is like the Wild Wild West. Like I have written before (Why Don’t we Six Sigma Forensic Science? It’s all about method validation, traceability, […]