Eyewitness memory is not all it is made up to be. While not technically empirical forensic science in nature (other than cognitive psychology), I was moved after watching this TED talk by Elizabeth Loftus to share this talk with you. Memory, according to her, is like a Wikipedia page, not a recorder. It can be […]

“Failed Evidence” – A must read for all interested in making our justice system better
One of the recurring themes of this blog is the consistent call for meaningful changes in the criminal justice system. TheTruthAboutForensicScience.com bloggers Justin McShane and Josh Lee having been highlighting areas of the criminal justice system that desperately need change for several years now. We are not the only ones. In the book “Failed Evidence: […]

Eyewitness identification: Why do people get it wrong
I just watched a TED talk that I liked a lot. I thought I would share it with you. Enjoy, I did. Scott Fraser studies how humans remember crimes — and bear witness to them. In this powerful talk, which focuses on a deadly shooting at sunset, he suggests that even close-up eyewitnesses to a […]