The Week 103 Forensic Science Geek is Announced

The Forensic Science Geek of the Week

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Forensic Science Geek of the Week

The week 100 “ Forensic Science Geek of the Week” honors goes to:Steven W. Hernandez, Esquire

According to our Geek, the following is offered:

Steven W. Her­nan­dez, Esq., is admit­ted to prac­tice in State of New Jer­sey and the United States Dis­trict Court for the Dis­trict of New Jer­sey. He spe­cial­izes in DWI defense.  Mr. Her­nan­dez is a mem­ber of the National Col­lege of DUI Defense (NCDD). Amer­i­can Bar Asso­ci­a­tion, The New Jer­sey Bar Asso­ci­a­tion, and the Ocean County Bar Asso­ci­a­tion.  He has suc­cess­fully com­pleted the DUI Detec­tion & Stan­dard­ized Field Sobri­ety Test­ing, the same course rec­og­nized by the National High­way Trans­porta­tion Safety Admin­is­tra­tion (NHTSA), used to train police per­son­nel. Mr. Her­nan­dez was the first attor­ney in New Jer­sey to receive his Foren­sic Sobri­ety Assess­ment (FSA) Cer­tifi­cate, by demon­strat­ing knowl­edge of the sci­ence and foren­sic use of road­side sobri­ety testing.

Congratulations to our Forensic Science Geek of the Week winner


1. Wh0 is this?

2. What is his significance to forensic science?

Our Geek of the Week answered:

Barry Scheck, of the Innocense Project. He uses DNA to help try and clear people who may have been wrongfully convicted. To date he has helped clear some 200+ people.


We are very excited that Barry Scheck will be part of our ACS Innocence Day that will be held at the American Chemical Society National meeting held in Philadelphia on August 20, 2012.

The Amer­i­can Chem­i­cal Society’s Chem­istry and the Law Divi­sion and its Foren­sic Sci­ence Co-Chairmen, Justin McShane, JD, F-AIC. of Har­ris­burg, PA and Josh D. Lee, JD. of Vinita, OK, are proud to announce a full-day pre­sen­ta­tion on the work of the Inno­cence Project
Foren­sic Sci­ence can play a tragic role in the con­vict­ing and wrong­ful impris­on­ment of fac­tu­ally inno­cent peo­ple. As of the date of this announce­ment (March 20, 2012), There have been 289 post-conviction DNA exon­er­a­tions in United States his­tory. This pre­sen­ta­tion will tell the first hand story of inno­cence and the causes and effects of faulty foren­sic sci­ence used in today’s courtrooms.

Down­load the flyer for the sem­i­nar.

Honorable mentions go to the following:

  • Richard Holcumb, JD who wrote “Barry Scheck. As the leader of the inno­cence project he has been instru­ment al in free­ing hun­dreds of wrongly con­victed inmates. In the vast major­ity of these cases, this was accom­plished through DNA test­ing. Thus, he has con­tributed by insist­ing such test­ing be done (sev­eral States have passed leg­is­la­tion enti­tling inmates/defendants to DNA test­ing); in demon­strat­ing that it is reli­able evi­dence that has excul­pated even those with strong cir­cum­stan­tial evi­dence against them and/or con­fes­sions; and in demon­strat­ing that evi­dence, often decades old can be tested to pro­duce those results.”
  • Ben Sessions, JD who wrote: “Barry Scheck. His con­tri­bu­tion comes through the inno­cence project. He has used foren­sic sci­ence and, par­tic­u­larly, DNA to free numer­ous wrongly con­victed defendants.”
  • Laura Magnuson who wrote: “This is Barry Scheck. He was on OJ Simpson’s defense team and is a co-founder of The Inno­cence Project.”
  • Mehul B. Anjaria who wrote: “Attor­ney Barry Scheck. Likely most famous for his cross-examination of sci­en­tific experts in the OJ Simp­son case. He is the co-founder of the Inno­cence Project, which started at the Ben­jamin Car­dozo school of law and has spread to many law schools nation­wide. He is essen­tially the face of DNA exonerations.”]

The Hall of Fame for the Forensic Science Geek of the Week:

Week 1: Chuck Ramsay, Esquire

Week 2: Rick McIndoe, PhD

Week 3: Christine Funk, Esquire

Week 4: Stephen Daniels

Week 5: Stephen Daniels

Week 6: Richard Middlebrook, Esquire

Week 7: Christine Funk, Esquire

Week 8: Ron Moore, B.S., J.D.

Week 9: Ron Moore, B.S., J.D.

Week 10: Kelly Case, Esquire and Michael Dye, Esquire

Week 11: Brian Manchester, Esquire

Week 12: Ron Moore, B.S., J.D.

Week 13: Ron Moore, B.S., J.D.

Week 14: Josh D, Lee, Esquire

Week 15: Joshua Dale, Esquire and Steven W. Hernandez, Esquire

Week 16: Christine Funk, Esquire

Week 17: Joshua Dale, Esquire

Week 18: Glen Neeley, Esquire

Week 19: Amanda Bynum, Esquire

Week 20: Josh D. Lee, Esquire

Week 21: Glen Neeley, Esquire

Week 22:  Stephen Daniels

Week 23:  Ron Moore, B.S., J.D.

Week 24: Bobby Spinks

Week 25:  Jon Woolsey, Esquire

Week 26: Mehul B. Anjaria

Week 27: Richard Middlebrook, Esquire

Week 28:Ron Moore, Esquire

Week 29: Ron Moore, Esquire

Week 30: C. Jeffrey Sifers, Esquire

Week 31: Ron Moore, Esquire

Week 32: Mehul B. Anjaria

Week 33: Andy Johnston

Week 34: Ralph R. Ristenbatt, III

Week 35: Brian Manchester, Esquire

Week 36: Ron Moore, Esquire

Week 37: Jeffrey Benson

Week 38: Pam King, Esquire

Week 39: Josh D. Lee, Esquire

Week 40: Robert Lantz, Ph.D.


Week 42: Steven W. Hernandez, Esquire

Week 43:Ron Moore, Esquire

Week 44: Mehul B. Anjaria

Week 45: Mehul B. Anjaria

Week 46:Ron Moore, Esquire

Week 47:Ron Moore, Esquire

Week 48: Leslie M. Sammis, Esquire

Week 49: Ron Moore, Esquire

Week 50: Jeffery Benson

Week 51: Mehul B. Anjaria

Week 52: Ron Moore, Esquire

Week 53: Eric Ganci, Esquire

Week 54: Charles Sifers, Esquire and Tim Huey, Esquire

Week 55: Joshua Andor, Esquire

Week 56: Brian Manchester, Esquire

Week 57: Ron Moore, Esquire

Week 58: Eric Ganci, Esquire

Week 59: Ron Moore, Esquire

Week 60: Brian Manchester, Esquire

Week 61: William Herringer, Esquire

Week 62: Robert Lantz, Ph.D.

Week 63: Ginger Moss

Week 64: Richard L. Holcomb, Esquire

Week 65: John L. Buckley, Esquire

Week 66: Jeff Sifers, Esquire

Week 67: Josh D. Lee, Esquire

Week 68: Dr. Barbara Vonderhaar, PhD.

Week 69: Christine Funk, Esquire

Week 70: Mehul B. Anjaria

Week 71: Ron Moore, Esquire

Week 72: Mehul B. Anjaria

Week 73: Josh D. Lee, Esquire

Week 74: Kim Keheley Frye, Esquire

Week 75: Mehul B. Anjaria and Peter Carini, Esquire

Week 76: Kim Keheley Frye, Esquire

Week 77: Mehul B. Anjaria

Week 78: Steven W. Hernandez, Esquire

Week 79: Kevin Feeney, Esquire

Week 8o: Justin Harris, Esquire


Week 82: Jay Tiftickjian, Esquire

Week 83: Robert Lantz, Ph.D.

Week 84: Steven W. Hernandez, Esquire

Week 85: Pat Arata, Esquire

Week 86: George Schiro

Week 87: Jay Tiftickjian, Esquire

Week 88: Rocky Babson, Esquire


Week 90: Joseph Rome, Esquire

Week 91: Chuck Ramsay, Esquire

Week 92: Laura Magnuson

Week 93: John L. Buckley, Esquire

Week 94: Unclaimed. It could be you!

Week 95: George Schiro

Week 96: Robert Lantz, Ph.D.

Week 97: Unclaimed. It could be you!

Week 98: Kevin Feeney, Esquire

Week 99: Unclaimed. It could be you!

Week 100: Steven W. Hernandez, Esquire

Week 101: Unclaimed. It could be you!

Week 102: Unclaimed. It could be you!

Week 103: Steven W. Hernandez, Esquire


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