This week’s “ Forensic Science Geek of the Week” honors goes to:

Christine Funk, Esquire, the Forensic Science Geek of the Week CHRISTINE FUNK, Forensic Science Geek of the Week!
Congratulations to our winner! All hail the Forensic Science Geek of the Week!!!About our winner:
Christine Funk is the host of Crime, Science and Information of the Woman’s Information Network. [Blogger’s note: She does some truly wonderful podcasts on some really timely topics.] She is a member of the Trial Team in the Office of the Public Defender for the State of Minnesota. She has been with the Public Defender’s Office since 1994. Christine got her first DNA case in 1995. Not being a scientist by training, she struggled to understand the DNA evidence in that and subsequent cases. Eventually, she managed to translate the scientific language into something she could understand. Since then, she has worked towards making scientific evidence understandable to lawyers and lay people everywhere. Christine is a frequent lecturer on DNA evidence as well as the impact of science on criminal lawyers. She serves on the Technical Working Group for DNA for Defense Attorneys, is a member of the Forensic Laboratory Advisory Board in Minnesota, and is on the Board of the Minnesota Innocence Project. Christine is also an adjunct professor at William Mitchell College of Law, where she teaches Criminal Law, Advanced Trial Advocacy, and Wrongful Convictions.
See the challenge question that our winner correctly answered first and completely.
Our winner answered the question correctly. Please visit the FaceBook fan page.
Our Geek of the Week answered:
a) 2 metal rods, 1 chain, a rifle, a hand gun, a bottle of water, a can of coke, and a microwave. The last is not a technical term, but the one used by the state’s expert the last time I had this issue come up. Also present but not seen is superglue. b) the rods are used to hang things off of, likewise, the chain. Superglue can be used in the crime lab in conjunction with the microwave to ferret out fingerprints left behind. Finally, the microwave. It is used not to heat the water, but in combination with the unseen superglue to bring out fingerprints left by someone other than my client. c) Fingerprints
It is a depiction of the Cyanoacrylate or superglue fuming with a fuming hood.
The Hall of Fame for the Forensic Science Geek of the Week:
Week 1: Chuck Ramsay, Esquire
Week 2: Rick McIndoe, PhD
Week 3: Christine Funk, Esquire
Next week’s challenge will be posted on Sunday morning at 12 noon EST.