It was once said that science over the long term is self-correcting. Too bad law isn’t. But there is hope. There is at least one jurist who cares. US District Court Judge Nancy Gertner has issued a standing order for all prosecutors and defenders who come before her. She has ordered that they not assume […]
Senate Judiciary Committee-Draft Outline of Forensic Science Reform Legislation
It appears as if someone is listening in Congress. On May 5, 2010, the Senate Judiciary Committee released a “Draft Outline of Forensic Reform Legislation.” In my opinion: It is a good start, but with a target as big as a barn as identified painstakingly by the NAS report, the Senate Judiciary Committee seems to […]
The prosecution is the enemy of good science
The criminal defense attorney is truly not the enemy of forensic science, the prosecution is. That is a pretty bold statement, but it is true. The way that prosecutor’s present forensic science in the Courtroom is the biggest hindrance to the truth. I took the time to go out and attend the 62nd annual conference […]