CRMs:  Reference materials and standards

CRMs: Reference materials and standards

Before we had blogged on the importance of metrology and uncertainty reporting as well as advancing (or rather inching) towards ISO 17025.  Part of the integrity of any sort of testing of unknowns has to do with the veracity of the sources of knowns against which the unknowns are compared.  For if we do not […]

NIST based and reported expressions of uncertainty isn’t everything

NIST based and reported expressions of uncertainty isn’t everything

While a lot has been made about the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) traceable standards and NIST’s own reporting of uncertainty.  There is a large mistake that has developed even among well-credentialed scientists in that NIST-based and reported expressions of Uncertainty Measurement (UM) are the be all and end all of the conversation […]