On June 7, 2013, the Attorney General of Colorado in an unprecedented move released the findings of a report into the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and blood ethanol testing. It paints a very grim picture of undereducated, undertrained and unsupervised work. You can read the full report here. Later this week, we […]

Cognitive Bias Redux
I read a very interesting article on bias. As we have discussed before bias permeates all forms of science and in particular forensic science. It provoked some thoughts. I wanted to pass it along in homes it might The Trouble With “Limitations” In Science By Neuroskeptic | May 16, 2013 4:09 pm Is it always good […]

Happy World Metrology Day!
May 20th every year is a rocking day. Know why? It’s World Metrology Day! Celebrate by checking out of metrology related posts. And celebrate today by only accepting valid measurements. According to www.worldmetrologyday.org Welcome to the 2013 World Metrology Day web site. This year, the theme is “Measurements in daily life” – again we have chosen a […]

The Forensic Lab Worker Retirement Plan Again: Screw up Tests, Skip Steps…. Retirement Life
Ahh yes. It’s time for our latest edition of “Lifestyles of the Newly Retired.” Here is another example of the greatest retirement plan in all of government. If you do bad science, with potential false convictions or undue exonerations, you are tampering with evidence. In all 50 states and in the federal system, tampering with […]

Chemical Measurement Process and The Calibration Function: How to best calibrate an instrument used in forensic science
The technical goal of any calibration related effort is t0 achieve a meaningful and valid CMP. According to The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC): Chemical Measurement Process (CMP): An analytical method of defined structure that has been brought into a state of statistical control, such that its imprecision and bias are fixed, […]

Retention of Biological Samples: In a DUI case, how long is long enough?
Suppose the following: You are driving home. You get stopped by the police. You are arrested for DUI. You are requested and give a sample of your blood. The blood goes to a laboratory and is analyzed. The results get transmitted to the police a few days later. The police type it up a few […]

Chain of Custody of Biological Evidence: Garbage In = Garbage Out
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men Couldn’t put Humpty together again In essence, this is the view held by The Technical Working Group on Biological Evidence Preservation in its publication entitled “The Biological Evidence Preservation Handbook: Best Practices for Evidence […]

Marijuana Field Test False Positive Leads to SWAT-style Raid of Innocent Home Owner’s Basement Lawful Tomato Growing
I’ll just let this one speak for itself…. Marijuana Field Test False Positive Leads to SWAT-style Raid of Innocent Home Owner’s Basement Lawful Tomato Growing Leawood family gets some answers about marijuana raid Bob Harte says police saw them buying hydroponic system for indoor garden LEAWOOD, Kan. —A Leawood family tried for more than a […]

Roadside breath testing for drugs?
There is little doubt that there is a research push for roadside testing for screening purposes for drugs of abuse and illicit drugs. All one needs to do is to come to any national or regional forensic science meeting or pull the various agendas to see what is being discussed. It’s oral fluid roadside testing […]

The Forensics Behind Bombing Investigations: Boston Marathon Explosive Forensics
As more and more details emerge with the tragedy in Boston and as we now know that there is a suspect in custody, we all breathe a collective sigh of relief. I am sure that all who read this post are shocked and appalled by this needless loss of life and horrific deliberate and inexcusable […]

Improper calibration in true scientific endeavors versus forensic science in the courtroom
In the broader world of science, it is well recognized that parts of the measurement system need to be demonstrated to be in control and properly calibrated as well as properly used by a trained and knowledgable operator. It is through these basic fundamentals that we can infer with sufficient confidence that our testing is […]