Today is Thanksgiving. It is traditional to stop, pause, and give thanks. I am most thankful for my family. I am also blessed to have all of you that visit this blog. I would like to say thanks to my wonderful office, my colleagues, my friends, those who trust me to defend them, and all of the organizations that I belong to and ask me to come and speak to their members. Thank you.
I have a quote that I am quite fond of that I came up with in response to a question of why do I do this blog and help other attorneys out there.
Develop an expertise in that which interests you. learn, lean, learn, then do something totally counter-intuitive….give away your knowledge for free to everyone and anyone who will listen. Become the proverbial Johnny Appleseed. People will love you for it. The world will be a better place.
This website has grown by 567% over the last year. Thank you for it!