USADA presents at the ACS National Meeting about Doping in Sports On March 23, 2015, Attorneys Justin J. McShane of The McShane Firm, LLC and Josh D. Lee of Ward, Lee and Coats moderated a symposium at the national American Chemical Society meeting in Denver, Colorado. The symposium concerned the chemistry and the law […]

It depends on what your definition of “positive” is? TLC in marijuana testing
Like Bill Clinton’s famous re-framing of the issue in this video: It depends on what your definition of “positive” is? TLC in marijuana testing We have posted here before about the Thorton-Nakumura protocol that is used throughout the United States for the prosecution of illegal possession of marijuana (in its solid drug dose pre-consumption form). […]

What else smells like marijuana? Is “smells like marijuana” a valid perception by police?
Judge: “What else smells like marijuana, counsel?” Attorney: “Is ‘smells like marijuana’ a valid perception by police?” The problem is that “smells like marijuana” reports are entirely an unverifiable subjective opinion. It is unverifiable because even if marijuana is found that might be a function of random chance as opposed to olfactory detection. Smell is […]

Justice, the Queen of Virtues? or Validation and Quality Assurance, the Queen of Virtues: Columbia South Carolina Police Department Crime Lab
Justice, the Queen of Virtues? or Validation and Quality Assurance, the Queen of Virtues: Columbia South Carolina Police Department Crime Lab It is perhaps ironic that Columbia, South Carolina’s police department’s patch boldly states the city’s motto: “Justitia virtutum regina” which translates to “Justice, the Queen of Virtues.” Is there justice when people are wrongly […]

The Annie Dookhan Report: Investigation of the Drug Laboratory at the William A. Hinton State Laboratory Institute 2002 – 2012
Hot off the presses is the Report about the Investigation of the Drug Laboratory at The William A. Hinton State Laboratory Institute (2002–2012). Read it yourself here.

Joseph Graves Allegations
Human integrity. All forensic science boils down to human integrity. Here is a story of allegations of a failure of both human integrity and also of a quality assurance as well as evidence integrity policies, protocols, and procedures. (Remember, all people even Joseph Graves is presumed innocent.) Where is the indictment of the laboratory? Were […]

“I Googled it” said the crime lab
We have posted here before stories about drug seizures and identifications that are wrong. Basically, the old: “I know it is a drug just by looking at it” police work. It is a modern malicious marvel that creeps into the courtroom. Roadside screening tests such as the NIK Public Safety Reagent Based Tests Can Provide […]

The scariest words in criminal court: “Based upon my training, knowledge and experience”
Seven little words have likely cause more convictions than anything else in all of criminal law combined: “Based upon my training, knowledge and experience.” Every day, in thousands of courtrooms all across the Untied States this phrase is uttered. It has come to be the sine qua non in all criminal prosecutions. Many times it […]

I know methamphetamine by looking at it: false arrest for drugs
Here is a curious article that shows shockingly what is typical in America. It is atypical that it got reported: ‘My client is not Walter White’: Man arrested for possessing crystal meth that turned out to be Jolly Rancher candy sues police A police officer who claimed to be an expert in detecting meth detained […]

Stereoselectivity matters in methamphetamine: The Science of Breaking Bad cook makes both D and L forms of meth
Methamphetamine analysis comes down to the stereoselectivity capabilities in the crime laboratory. Stereoselectivity is crucial in a crime laboratory. The ability of an analytical chemistry device to be specific to a type of a form of drug is key. Stereoselectivity is one of those key functions. Even the venerable workhorse of analytical chemistry in a crime […]

DEA: If you can’t win by the science, win by changing the rules…
If you are a Star Trek fan, then you will remember Kobayashi Maru scenario. Wikipedia has a good description for you non-Star Trek fans. In Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, the simulation takes place on a replica of a starship bridge, with the test-taker as captain and other Starfleet members, officers or […]