TSA Agents Amanda Zug, Supervisor Shawn Knaub and Manager Kendall Bradley provide a teachable moment in cross-contamination and the need to adhere to contamination protocol I begin this post with a declaration and acknowledgment upfront. I am a Trusted Traveler. I went through the application, background check, and less to obtain my Global Entry ID. […]

Retention of Biological Samples: In a DUI case, how long is long enough?
Suppose the following: You are driving home. You get stopped by the police. You are arrested for DUI. You are requested and give a sample of your blood. The blood goes to a laboratory and is analyzed. The results get transmitted to the police a few days later. The police type it up a few […]

Amanda Knox Case: Judge Probably Understands Probability by Dr. Carrie Valentine, PhD
Judge Probably Understands Probability Carrie R. Valentine, Ph. D (biochemistry) A recent New York Times article reports that Italy’s Court of Cassation has overturned the acquittal of Amanda Knox for the murder of Meredith Kercher.[1] (Pictured Above: Amanda Knox post-release) Although Schneps and Comez acknowledge that the Court has not yet publicly explained the motivations […]

A “drug detection dog” is certainly not specific
Who doesn’t love dogs? They are man’s best friend after all. But can we really trust “drug detection” dogs and their handlers? We have blogged about these dogs here before: What can David Letterman’s Stupid Animal Tricks Teach us About Forensic Science? Doggie sniffs are a poor substitute for meaningful analytical chemistry Here is a […]

Justice be done: Frederic Whitehurst leads the way
Our regular guest blogger here, Dr. Frederic Whitehurst, JD, PhD was featured for his courageous work in exposing invalid science with the FBI. He is a true American hero! Way to go Dr. Whtiehurst! Dr. Whitehurst will be presenting the Donald Gates case and his efforts at the American Chemical Society national meeting and the […]

Issues in Explosives Residue Analysis: Transportation and storage of evidence in explosive scene investigation
Issues in Explosives Residue Analysis A Primer for the Bar Frederic Whitehurst, Ph.D.[1] [Editor’s Note: This is a multi-part series deigned to educate the defense bar on important issues concerning explosive and explosive residue investigations] Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Back to the Basics: Was it the result of an explosive device in the first […]

Issues in Explosive Residue Analysis: Contamination by “Render-Safe” acts of explosives
Issues in Explosives Residue Analysis A Primer for the Bar Frederic Whitehurst, Ph.D.[1] [Editor’s Note: This is a multi-part series deigned to educate the defense bar on important issues concerning explosive and explosive residue investigations] Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Back to the Basics: Was it the result of an explosive device in the first […]

Issues in Explosive Residue Analysis: Contamination and cross-contamination in explosive scene investigation
Issues in Explosives Residue Analysis A Primer for the Bar Frederic Whitehurst, Ph.D.[1] [Editor’s Note: This is a multi-part series deigned to educate the defense bar on important issues concerning explosive and explosive residue investigations] Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Back to the Basics: Was it the result of an explosive device in the first […]

Issues in Explosive Residue Analysis: Disposition Homogeneity in explosive scene investigation
Issues in Explosives Residue Analysis A Primer for the Bar Frederic Whitehurst, Ph.D.[1] [Editor’s Note: This is a multi-part series deigned to educate the defense bar on important issues concerning explosive and explosive residue investigations] Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Back to the Basics: Was it the result of an explosive device in the first […]

Issues in Explosive Residue Analysis: The Explosion Crime Scene: Sampling and Homogeneity Issues
Issues in Explosives Residue Analysis A Primer for the Bar Frederic Whitehurst, Ph.D.[1] [Editor’s Note: This is a multi-part series deigned to educate the defense bar on important issues concerning explosive and explosive residue investigations] Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Back to the Basics: Was it the result of an explosive device in the first […]

Issues in Explosive Residue Analysis: Daubert provides guidance and a means to expose limitations and evaluate explosive investigations, methods, and interpretation
Issues in Explosives Residue Analysis A Primer for the Bar Frederic Whitehurst, Ph.D.[1] [Editor’s Note: This is a multi-part series deigned to educate the defense bar on important issues concerning explosive and explosive residue investigations] Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Back to the Basics: Was it the result of an explosive device in the first […]