Introduction AirTags, Apple’s compact and user-friendly tracking devices, have taken the world by storm since their release. Designed to help users locate misplaced items, AirTags use Bluetooth and the vast Find My network to pinpoint the location of lost belongings. However, their tracking capabilities have also sparked concerns about their potential misuse for stalking purposes. […]

How Fingerprint Identification Works in the Digital Age: A Comprehensive Guide
Fingerprint identification is a technique that has been used for many years to identify individuals. In the digital age, fingerprint identification has become a popular method of authentication for mobile devices and computers. In this blog post, we will explore how fingerprint identification works, especially in the digital age. Fingerprint identification is based on the […]

Restek standards contamination
Restek standards contamination For the record, I think Restek is a good company. I have taken a tour of their facilities. It appears as if they want to do good and valid science. They are standards makers. In fact, they make ISO compliant standards. That is the top of the line. Here is a fine […]

“I Googled it” said the crime lab
We have posted here before stories about drug seizures and identifications that are wrong. Basically, the old: “I know it is a drug just by looking at it” police work. It is a modern malicious marvel that creeps into the courtroom. Roadside screening tests such as the NIK Public Safety Reagent Based Tests Can Provide […]

Hands-on DNA Training for Lawyers
Hands-on DNA Training for Lawyers On November 15-17, 2013, the defense bar got a big boost in its quest to promote justice. In over 23 hours of hands on training, twenty attorneys assembled at Boise State University to learn DNA analysis. The course itself was taught by Dr. Greg Hampikian, Laura Wendell and Mike Davis. […]

Stereoselectivity matters in methamphetamine: The Science of Breaking Bad cook makes both D and L forms of meth
Methamphetamine analysis comes down to the stereoselectivity capabilities in the crime laboratory. Stereoselectivity is crucial in a crime laboratory. The ability of an analytical chemistry device to be specific to a type of a form of drug is key. Stereoselectivity is one of those key functions. Even the venerable workhorse of analytical chemistry in a crime […]

Chemical Measurement Process and The Calibration Function: How to best calibrate an instrument used in forensic science
The technical goal of any calibration related effort is t0 achieve a meaningful and valid CMP. According to The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC): Chemical Measurement Process (CMP): An analytical method of defined structure that has been brought into a state of statistical control, such that its imprecision and bias are fixed, […]

Marijuana Field Test False Positive Leads to SWAT-style Raid of Innocent Home Owner’s Basement Lawful Tomato Growing
I’ll just let this one speak for itself…. Marijuana Field Test False Positive Leads to SWAT-style Raid of Innocent Home Owner’s Basement Lawful Tomato Growing Leawood family gets some answers about marijuana raid Bob Harte says police saw them buying hydroponic system for indoor garden LEAWOOD, Kan. —A Leawood family tried for more than a […]

Roadside breath testing for drugs?
There is little doubt that there is a research push for roadside testing for screening purposes for drugs of abuse and illicit drugs. All one needs to do is to come to any national or regional forensic science meeting or pull the various agendas to see what is being discussed. It’s oral fluid roadside testing […]

Federal Analog Prosecution and State Analog Prosecution and Defense: Ohio v. Silmi et al.
This is a multipart series that will examine the prosecution of controlled substance “analogs” by both the state and federal governments. Part one: The controlling law Part two: What is an analog? The scientific problem Part three: Efforts to define analog Part four: Ohio v. Silmi et al. Judge John J. Russo of the Cuyahoga County Common […]

“Failed Evidence” – A must read for all interested in making our justice system better
One of the recurring themes of this blog is the consistent call for meaningful changes in the criminal justice system. bloggers Justin McShane and Josh Lee having been highlighting areas of the criminal justice system that desperately need change for several years now. We are not the only ones. In the book “Failed Evidence: […]