In science, we can have fast, or good, or cheap. We cannot have all three. When it comes to criminal justice, we as a society need to continue to require that only quality forensic science enter a courtroom. Fast is lazy. Fast is risky. Fast is not good. Fast is not justice. The latest example […]

The sad story of 12 cents. Why following directions has to matter: The Lebanon County, PA DUI Good Samaritan Hospital Scandal
What does 12 cents buy you these days? Nothing I know of. But in law in Lebanon County, it is the total difference between valid and non-validated testing. It is the literal price of justice. All because good Samaritan Hospital wanted to save 12 cents per test and the local DA did not ask to […]

Doughnuts and Blood Testing – How the government’s own data often proves that they contaminate blood samples and look the other way
The Colorado Springs Independent recently published an article about laboratory concerns within the Colorado State crime laboratory system. The article written by Chet Hardin was called “Blood and circus: Why many DUI lawyers don’t trust the state’s drug lab.” One of the issues discussed was the problem of ethanol being detected in blanks. The governments position of […]

Another week, another crime laboratory scandal: We continue to struggle with basic validity in forensic science
Another week, another crime laboratory scandal. Hardly a week goes by where this blog doesn’t feature yet another crime laboratory scandal. We continue to struggle with basic validity in forensic science. Today, it’s Broward County, tomorrow it may be your local laboratory! While it is truly horrible that this happened, at least in this case Medical […]

Inappropriate & Unethical Relationship Revealed between Drug Prosecutor & Chemist Annie Dookhan
The investigation into the Massachusetts Crime Lab scandal involving Annie Dookhan has revealed that there was an inappropriate and unethical relationship between her and a prosecutor in the district attorneys office. It appears that for the last two to three years, prosecutor George Papachristos had direct personal communication with Dookhan who was the chemist on […]

The Rogue Chemist Excuse: Just as real as the boogie man in the closet
We hear time and time again about how these crime laboratory disasters are the work of one lone, rogue chemist. This is the pattern that emerges time and again in the press. What is lost in the reporting is the true failure: the lack of oversight; the lack of quality assurance; the lack of transparency; […]

Ray Krone talks about the nightmare of innocence at the 2012 ACS Fall meeting (Forensic Science, Chemistry and the Law)
On August 20, 2012, the American Chemical Society at its biannual meeting held a special Presidential Seminar called “Innocence! The Work of the Innocence Project.” It was funded by The McShane Firm, LLC and presented through the Chemistry and the Law Division and the Forensic Science, Chemistry and the Law subdivision. At the presentation, were three […]

The Laboratory Bench Mates used brown construction paper to cover up wrongdoing and source materials on the Annie Dookhan matter
Annie Dookhan, the Fukushima of Forensics, has been covered here before: Yet another crime lab scandal — the real question is how many failures until they get caught and when is enough enough? The poster child for everything that is wrong in forensic science: Annie Dookhan The Fukushima of Forensics: Annie Dookhan What to do […]

Annie Dookhan and more revelations
The Fukushima of Forensics: Annie Dookhan has been covered here before: Yet another crime lab scandal — the real question is how many failures until they get caught and when is enough enough? The poster child for everything that is wrong in forensic science: Annie Dookhan The Fukushima of Forensics: Annie Dookhan What to do […]

The catalyst for change: The Annie Dookhan episode
It is unprecedented in this blog to report so many times on one event. However, this type of event needs constant and repeated discussion. The Fukushima of Forensics: Annie Dookhan. Has been covered here before: Yet another crime lab scandal — the real question is how many failures until they get caught and when is […]

Why Confrontation of the Particular Witness must be mandatory: Annie Dookhan
The Fukushima of Forensics: Annie Dookhan. Has been covered here before: Yet another crime lab scandal — the real question is how many failures until they get caught and when is enough enough? The poster child for everything that is wrong in forensic science: Annie Dookhan The Fukushima of Forensics: Annie Dookhan What to do […]