The ACS Hands-on Forensic Chromatography Class There was a dream and the dream could best be stated thusly: Develop an expertise in that which interests you. learn, lean, learn, then do something totally counter-intuitive…. give away your knowledge for free to everyone and anyone who will listen. Become the proverbial Johnny Appleseed. People will love […]

The Truth About Forensic Science Blog at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences Meeting
For the fourth year in a row, The Truth About Forensic Science blog is at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences annual meeting. Specifically, Justin J. McShane, JD, F-AIC is co-chairing Scientific Workshop #14 which is entitled “Melendez-Diaz, Bullcoming, and Williams: Scientific Evidence and the Right to Confrontation” which is being held in Washington […]

You know what really grinds my gears? Tax money that unfairly excludes defense attorneys from forensic science education
I pay my taxes. A lot of them. I vote. So I have earned the right to complain. So I shall. Does anyone see what is wrong with the below…. This is tax payer funded education that is only open to prosecutors. And that is wrong! Shame on WVU! Shame on our government! Justice comes […]

Steven Barnes talks about the nightmare of innocence at the 2012 ACS Fall meeting (Forensic Science, Chemistry and the Law)
Here is the full video of the Steven Barnes account of actual innocence. On August 20, 2012, the American Chemical Society at its biannual meeting held a special Presidential Seminar called “Innocence! The Work of the Innocence Project.” It was funded by The McShane Firm, LLC and presented through the Chemistry and the Law Division and the Forensic […]

Some random thoughts on forensic science
While at the ACS press conference last week, I was asked by an international reporter my thoughts on the current state of affairs in Forensic Science by a Brazilian science reporter. I wanted to share my answers with you all and see if there are different points of view that may be out there. So […]

ACS Hands-on Forensic Chromatography VI class
One of my favorite things to do is to spread the word of good, legitimate and validated science to lawyers and in particular the defense bar. There is a phrase that many people use to describe the criminal defense lawyers. They call them liberty’s last champion (and in fact it is NACDL’s logo). And it […]

The Confrontation Clause: Who has to show up in court and why
The below is a full lecture on the Confrontation Clause and the explanation of the “Primary Purpose Rule,” the “Particular Witness Rule,” and an examination of all of the current cases as decided or pending before the United States Supreme Court. This lecture is presented from a practical point of view for the benefit of […]

First, let’s educate all of the lawyers
The great Bard once penned: All: God save your majesty! Cade: I thank you, good people—there shall be no money; all shall eat and drink on my score, and I will apparel them all in one livery, that they may agree like brothers, and worship me their lord. Dick: The first thing we do, let’s […]

What a great year. Thank you.
It has been a wonderful year for me both professionally and personally. Here are the stats: I have been invited to talk in 25 states and the District of Columbia. Due to scheduling conflicts and other matters, I could not honor them all. I always feel guilty in not being able to present to everyone […]

The case for raw data: “Integration” in Gas Chromatography: How to make an innocent person guilty in a DUI case by manipulating the software
The case for raw data: “Integration” in Gas Chromatography: How to make an innocent person guilty in a DUI case by manipulating the software. The video below is part of the lecture that I gave at the hands-on laboratory training course held by the American Chemical Society (ACS) and Axion Analytical Labs in Chicago, IL […]

Lecture on Analytical Chemistry in BAC testing Part 13
The above is Part Thirteen from a lecture given by Attorney Justin J. McShane before the North Carolina Advocates for Justice “Advanced DWI Seminar”. This seminar happened on February 26, 2010. It was organized and hosted by John K. Fanney, Esquire of Fanney & Jackson, P.C. The following is a transcript of this video: In […]