Why Don’t we Six Sigma Forensic Science? It’s all about method validation, traceability, and quality assurance

Why Don’t we Six Sigma Forensic Science? It’s all about method validation, traceability, and quality assurance

The goal of any form of identification or quantitation is to produce a specific and true expression that is valid. In the forensic world how we scientifically arrive at a reported result should not be an act of mysterious busywork, but rather a result of planned, purposeful meaningful action that is validated and truly scientific. […]

The Week 98 Forensic Science Geek of the Week Challenge

The Week 98 Forensic Science Geek of the Week Challenge

Our good friend, Ron Moore, Esquire writes us “I actually had a client researching lawyers who looked at the Truth About Forensic Science geek of the week posts and liked my answers. It made a difference in who he decided to hire. Thanks!” So, there is a lot of value in www.TheTruthAboutForensicScience.com Forensic Science Geek […]

Issues in Explosive Residue Analysis: Contamination by “Render-Safe” acts of explosives

Issues in Explosive Residue Analysis: Contamination by “Render-Safe” acts of explosives

Issues in Explosives Residue Analysis A Primer for the Bar Frederic Whitehurst, Ph.D.[1] [Editor’s Note: This is a multi-part series deigned to educate the defense bar on important issues concerning explosive and explosive residue investigations] Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Back to the Basics: Was it the result of an explosive device in the first […]

ACS Hands-on Forensic Chromatography VI class

ACS Hands-on Forensic Chromatography VI class

One of my favorite things to do is to spread the word of good, legitimate and validated science to lawyers and in particular the defense bar. There is a phrase that many people use to describe the criminal defense lawyers. They call them liberty’s last champion (and in fact it is NACDL’s logo). And it […]

The Week 97 Forensic Science Geek of the Week Challenge

The Week 97 Forensic Science Geek of the Week Challenge

Our good friend, Ron Moore, Esquire writes us “I actually had a client researching lawyers who looked at the Truth About Forensic Science geek of the week posts and liked my answers. It made a difference in who he decided to hire. Thanks!” So, there is a lot of value in www.TheTruthAboutForensicScience.com Forensic Science Geek […]

The Week 62 Forensic Science Geek of the Week is Announced

The Week 62 Forensic Science Geek of the Week is Announced

The Forensic Science Geek of the Week Please visit the www.TheTruthAboutForensicScience.com FaceBook fan page. The week 62 “www.TheTruthAboutForensicScience.com Forensic Science Geek of the Week” honors goes to: Robert Lantz, Ph.D. According to his website (Rocky Mountain Instrumentation Laboratories): We provide contract chromatographic and mass spectrometric analysis (HPLC/MS) of pharmaceuticals (both traditional drugs and biotechnology products, […]

The Week 83 Forensic Science Geek of the Week is Announced

The Week 83 Forensic Science Geek of the Week is Announced

The Forensic Science Geek of the Week Please visit the www.TheTruthAboutForensicScience.com FaceBook fan page. The week 83 “www.TheTruthAboutForensicScience.com Forensic Science Geek of the Week” honors goes to: Robert Lantz, Ph.D. According to his website (Rocky Mountain Instrumentation Laboratories): We provide contract chromatographic and mass spectrometric analysis (HPLC/MS) of pharmaceuticals (both traditional drugs and biotechnology products, […]

The Week 96 Forensic Science Geek of the Week Challenge is Announced

The Week 96 Forensic Science Geek of the Week Challenge is Announced

The Forensic Science Geek of the Week Please visit the www.TheTruthAboutForensicScience.com FaceBook fan page. The week 96 “www.TheTruthAboutForensicScience.com Forensic Science Geek of the Week” honors goes to: Robert Lantz, Ph.D. According to his website (Rocky Mountain Instrumentation Laboratories): We provide contract chromatographic and mass spectrometric analysis (HPLC/MS) of pharmaceuticals (both traditional drugs and biotechnology products, […]

Issues in Explosive Residue Analysis: Contamination and cross-contamination in explosive scene investigation

Issues in Explosive Residue Analysis: Contamination and cross-contamination in explosive scene investigation

Issues in Explosives Residue Analysis A Primer for the Bar Frederic Whitehurst, Ph.D.[1] [Editor’s Note: This is a multi-part series deigned to educate the defense bar on important issues concerning explosive and explosive residue investigations] Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Back to the Basics: Was it the result of an explosive device in the first […]

It’s not all doom and gloom, is it?

It’s not all doom and gloom, is it?

Frequently on this blog we talk about what is wrong in forensic science. We expose limitations on assays, under-qualifications of people, and whole scale lack of meaningful validation of the methods used. All of this is true, but there is one great movement forward in the equation: the education of defense attorneys. There is but […]

The Week 96 Forensic Science Geek of the Week Challenge

The Week 96 Forensic Science Geek of the Week Challenge

Our good friend, Ron Moore, Esquire writes us “I actually had a client researching lawyers who looked at the Truth About Forensic Science geek of the week posts and liked my answers. It made a difference in who he decided to hire. Thanks!” So, there is a lot of value in www.TheTruthAboutForensicScience.com Forensic Science Geek […]