In recent years, law enforcement agencies have increasingly turned to third-party DNA companies, such as 23andMe and AncestryDNA, to help identify perpetrators of crimes. Law enforcement agencies have increasingly turned to third-party DNA companies, such as 23andMe and AncestryDNA, to help identify perpetrators of crimes because of the potential for genetic genealogy to provide new […]

Contamination and Cross-Contamination: Understanding the Risks of DNA Evidence
There is a particular danger that attaches to DNA evidence. Thanks to the widespread viewing of fictional crime dramas, there is a built in prejudice that jurors have that DNA evidence means guilt. This is not so. It is not automatic. One way that DNA evidence can be falsely used in a case is due […]

How Fingerprint Identification Works in the Digital Age: A Comprehensive Guide
Fingerprint identification is a technique that has been used for many years to identify individuals. In the digital age, fingerprint identification has become a popular method of authentication for mobile devices and computers. In this blog post, we will explore how fingerprint identification works, especially in the digital age. Fingerprint identification is based on the […]

A Comment on the Draft Documents from the National Commission on Forensic Science
Recently, the National Commission on Forensic Science (NCFS) released a series of draft regulations through Initial DRAFT Recommendation on AFIS Interoperability Initial DRAFT Recommendation on MECIN Initial DRAFT Recommendation on National Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility for the Forensic Sciences odag153 2015_04_15 (Notice of Federal Advisory Committee Meeting) Initial DRAFT Recommendation on Root […]

USADA presents at the ACS National Meeting about Doping in Sports
USADA presents at the ACS National Meeting about Doping in Sports On March 23, 2015, Attorneys Justin J. McShane of The McShane Firm, LLC and Josh D. Lee of Ward, Lee and Coats moderated a symposium at the national American Chemical Society meeting in Denver, Colorado. The symposium concerned the chemistry and the law […]

DOJ does a 180 and puts discovery back into discussion for the NIST/DOJ National Commission on Forensic Science
In a dramatic turn of events as covered here in Federal Judge resigns from National Commission on Forensic Science and The Jed Rakoff and Matt Redle, co-chairs, Subcommittee on Reporting and Testimony Memo, US Senior District Judge Jed Rakoff resigned in protest from the National Commission on Forensic Science over the DOJ veto wielded by […]

The Jed Rakoff and Matt Redle, co-chairs, Subcommittee on Reporting and Testimony Memo
Breaking news I just received a copy of the joint memorandum that was co-authored by the Honorable Jed S. Rakoff and Matt Redle, co-chairs, Subcommittee on Reporting and Testimony that was forwarded to Brette Steele, Senior Advisor on Forensic Science and Senior Counsel to the Deputy Attorney General. What strikes me on my first reading […]

Federal Judge resigns from National Commission on Forensic Science
The sole federal judge appointed to the NIST/DOJ National Commission on Forensic Science has resigned in protest, according to his reported email, over what he feels is inappropriate attempt by the Department of Justice to restrict the scope of the Commission. In the resignation, Judge Rakoff makes very apt observations that highlight the defect in […]

Man Freed After Serving 35 years 11 months and 8 days in Prison for An Arson-Murder that Wasn’t
PRESS RELEASE Press Conference on Saturday January 24, 2015 at 1pm at The McShane Firm, LLC 3601 Vartan Way, 1st Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17110 all are welcome. Man Freed After Serving 35 years 11 months and 8 days in Prison for An Arson-Murder that Wasn’t (Harrisburg, PA and Bellefonte, PA)– In July 1979, James Hugney […]

Traceability… it’s for the dogs!
This adorable little wiry girl is “Sky” – or to be more accurate “GCh AfterAll Painting The Sky.” Americas most prestigious canine club named her the top dog at the 2014 Westminster Kennel Club dog show. Want to know more about Sky’s family tree? Thats easy. We can just hop on the internet and trace her […]

Low Copy Number DNA and Forensic Statistical Tool fail Frye test
Low Copy Number (LCN) DNA and a mixture DNA interpretation have been a subject of parts of blog posts here in the past. On November 7, 2014, Brooklyn based Justice Mark Dwyer has issued an opinion the LCN DNA and a specific type of diagnostic and alleged statistical tool for the interpretation of mixture DNA […]