Life is good for crime laboratory analysts. In the normal course of forensic science events. If you dry-lab, meaning you report out results when in fact you did not perform an analysis, you are efficient in the laboratory. You are someone who gets rewarded typically with a promotion. Heck, they even may make you chief […]

60 minutes and Arizona’s Pioneer Hotel Fire
We have covered arson investigation before on this blog: Fire Whisperers-the Story of Bad Arson Investigation NFPA Releases NFPA 921:2011 and Rejects Negative Corpus Discover Magazine features the dangerous side of arson investigation Guest Blog Post From Dr. Frederic Whitehurst PhD JD: Forensic Science “Matches”-The Case of Black Powder Arson Investigation exonerations If you have […]

Amanda Knox Case: Judge Probably Understands Probability by Dr. Carrie Valentine, PhD
Judge Probably Understands Probability Carrie R. Valentine, Ph. D (biochemistry) A recent New York Times article reports that Italy’s Court of Cassation has overturned the acquittal of Amanda Knox for the murder of Meredith Kercher.[1] (Pictured Above: Amanda Knox post-release) Although Schneps and Comez acknowledge that the Court has not yet publicly explained the motivations […]

Federal Analog Prosecution and State Analog Prosecution and Defense: Ohio v. Silmi et al.
This is a multipart series that will examine the prosecution of controlled substance “analogs” by both the state and federal governments. Part one: The controlling law Part two: What is an analog? The scientific problem Part three: Efforts to define analog Part four: Ohio v. Silmi et al. Judge John J. Russo of the Cuyahoga County Common […]

Federal Analog Prosecution and State Analog Prosecution and Defense: Efforts to define analog
This is a multipart series that will examine the prosecution of controlled substance “analogs” by both the state and federal governments. Part one: The controlling law Part two: What is an analog? The scientific problem Part three: Efforts to define analog Part four: Ohio v. Silmi et al. There are two main efforts that are currently ongoing. […]

Federal Analog Prosecution and State Analog Prosecution and Defense: What is an analog? The scientific problem
This is a multipart series that will examine the prosecution of controlled substance “analogs” by both the state and federal governments. Part one: The controlling law Part two: What is an analog? The scientific problem Part three: Efforts to define analog Part four: Ohio v. Silmi et al. I suppose we could start with the concept that […]

Guest Blog by Prof. David A. Harris: Forensic Labs Should Be Separate from Law Enforcement
When the National Academy of Sciences published its landmark report Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward in February of 2009, most observers quickly saw that it had the potential to shake the forensic science establishment to its core if its recommendations were followed. Four years on, not enough change has occurred. […]

A Pharmacologist and a DRE
[I am quite sure that this post will attract some response from the DRE community. If you comment, I will print it provided it does not have curse words or is an ad hominem attack with no substantive merit] When those who defend the motorist accused are confronted with a DUID case and where there […]

Thoughts on Business Records Exception and Forensic Science
As lawyers who read this blog are aware, there is an exception to the hearsay rule under Rule 803(6) of the Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE) or a state corollary called the business records exception. This allows in documents into substantive evidence with only the custodian of records or other qualified witness being present to authenticate […]

“Failed Evidence” – A must read for all interested in making our justice system better
One of the recurring themes of this blog is the consistent call for meaningful changes in the criminal justice system. bloggers Justin McShane and Josh Lee having been highlighting areas of the criminal justice system that desperately need change for several years now. We are not the only ones. In the book “Failed Evidence: […]

Federal Analog Prosecution and State Analog Prosecution and Defense: The controlling law
This is a multipart series that will examine the prosecution of controlled substance “analogs” by both the state and federal governments. Part one: The controlling law Part two: What is an analog? The scientific problem Part three: Efforts to define analog Part four: Ohio v. Silmi et al. With the advent into the marketplace the […]